søndag den 26. februar 2012
Brother from another mother
I have this friend - as if you care - who has known me for a lifetime, and we still have a strong, strong bond together. Anywaaaays, she and a friend made up this blog which always make's me in such a blog mood, so her is a quick one, since I just came from their side; Sorry guys, it's in Danish...
The friend of mine showed me this - I cannot recall If I already posted it, which make me smile. It gives us examples of the smallest things in life that happens to us on a daily basis - it opens your eyes and gives my point about life out clear and simple -Try to live in the moment, and apreciate the smallest things that makes you happy ;
A small thing that made me happy today was discovering this song on my host-brothers computer - It's been a long time since I heard her last, I had one specific song I was listening to constanly but now I figured a whole knew Album - I do Like her more than I thought!
This weekend I finally did not have a schedule down to the minutes, I got a lot of rest - needed - and got closer to my host family! I have tonight watched the Oscars Live for the first time in my life - and been doing homework in last minute - so me!
''God, if I can't have what I want, let me want what I have''
mandag den 23. januar 2012
I don't have a lot of time, in fact, I should be in bed . .
I do wan't to share a link I love though - Sometimes I just can't stay away from the blog no matter how much time there is, so here we go
''If you have a great attitude you get a great result'' - My awesome Photography teacher
Enjoy - Life is given to live it
I do wan't to share a link I love though - Sometimes I just can't stay away from the blog no matter how much time there is, so here we go
''If you have a great attitude you get a great result'' - My awesome Photography teacher
Enjoy - Life is given to live it
tirsdag den 17. januar 2012
The purpose of the blog
So now I got my 12 blog postings in for school.. I started out with a
completely silly theme, I know. But since I really like to blog, just
for fun I will keep going on, not with an update every other day, but
whenever I feel for it. I will not keep up with the theme, I will just
blog whatever is on my mind. Also My blogging will be continued to
prevent / keep up with my english skills - Oh - yeah, I'm an
exchangestudent - Denmark is what I call home- who is settled in Colorado for this year - I thought it
was kind of cool to get to blog through a class in school but I made it
hard for myself with the theme, silly, nonsense and not interesting at
Yes I am a truly chocoholic but from now on, this blog will not only
contain the sweet chocolate part of me - but also the rest of me . . .
A friend sent me this awesome link earlier today and I've been listening to it since, enjoy
I hate the question; ''So, what Kind of music do you listen to?''
I love Beyoncé, but do not see myself as a pop-stereotype - always
I do like artists such as Tracy Chapman, Bob Marley(in some cases) Coldplay, Abba, Philip Glass(thanks to my Composition teacher, Mr. Schneider for introducing me) One Republic and Agnes Obel- Honestly, it's whatever mood I'm in
If you get a chance, take it, if it changes your life, let it
tirsdag den 13. december 2011
Christmas is here..
And so is chocolate.. Christmas means adventcalender, christmastrees, happy people, and a gigantic quantity of everything in the stores in a big part of the whole world.Almost everything is produced in a special christmas edition. Christmas is a lovely time, we spendt time with the people we love, family and friends, and we spend -a lot - time on eating. Eating has become a huge part of the Christians Celebration of Jesus in the late December. I know from my own family that Christmas eve isn't completed if we don't eat till it hurts.
''It's the most wonderful time of the year'', it certainly is, also for the chocolate lovers out there. Christmas contains a huge selection of extra good chocolate, almost every candy brand has their own Christmas edition, and since everyone want to joy each other, these ''special editions'' seems to be just a bit better than the rest of the year. I recommend to try brands such as lindt and Ghirardelli which is both really good chocolate brands, which does a little extra work up til Chrismas. DON'T FORGET HANDMADE CHOCOLATE IN THIS SEASON EITHER!
And now, get your but of the chair and get out there in the Chrismas magic and buy yourself the best of the best.
''It's the most wonderful time of the year'', it certainly is, also for the chocolate lovers out there. Christmas contains a huge selection of extra good chocolate, almost every candy brand has their own Christmas edition, and since everyone want to joy each other, these ''special editions'' seems to be just a bit better than the rest of the year. I recommend to try brands such as lindt and Ghirardelli which is both really good chocolate brands, which does a little extra work up til Chrismas. DON'T FORGET HANDMADE CHOCOLATE IN THIS SEASON EITHER!
And now, get your but of the chair and get out there in the Chrismas magic and buy yourself the best of the best.
Chocolate fashion show
Unbeliveable, but true. There is actually in this amazing world w elive
in, a chocolate fashion show. I was shocked when I found out, so you
better be too. How about a line of fashion made out of fashion? Who in
this world would wear it and would you be naked half way through your
day because you ate your dress? I would.

Salon du chocolat - french as it sounds is it. A fair trade for chocolate businesses all over the world was held for the 18th time. The exibihition is filled with bakers and chocolaiters from all over the world and is apperantly a really big thing. And in the middle of all this they put on a fashion show were the models wear chocolate. As crazy as it sounds as much do I want to watch it. Eat it..
Chocolate and your heart
A lot of articles in health magazines and advertising has published that chocolate should be healthy for your body - what a miracle. The dark chocolate is the healthiest chocolate, it is basicly because the dark chocolate consist of natural nutriens from the cocoa plant and a small amount of anything else. Scientists has recently figured that dark chocolate sctually can prevent the blood flow in our body and reducing our blood pressure. The high ammount of a specific type of antioxidants, which is plant based compounds - also found in red wine and green tea - is the key to heart health because these antioxidants - called flavanols stops the activity of unstable molecules which basicly do your cholesterol worse.
Simplified; chocolate gives a healthier flow to your blood which helps you to stay away from disease. No - of course you cannot avoid any heart disease because you eat dark chocolate, but it can certanly help you and your body to stay intact.
So get out there, find your favorite dark piece and be nice to yourself and have a bite or two every day.
Simplified; chocolate gives a healthier flow to your blood which helps you to stay away from disease. No - of course you cannot avoid any heart disease because you eat dark chocolate, but it can certanly help you and your body to stay intact.
So get out there, find your favorite dark piece and be nice to yourself and have a bite or two every day.
Let them eat art
To strech it a little further now we are at the chocolate art.. An Argentinain artist Leandro Erlich made in 2009 for an art exhibition called ; Let Them Eat Art this chocolate ''leather couch''.
I found it really funny how The couch looks so exstremely real, they must had have people warning other people to not sit down..
Even the stitching, buttons and leather folds is out of chocolate, I would never had finished a work like that, both because of my lack of patience .. and my addiction to the chocolate I was supposed to do stuff with instead of eating it.

Another chocolate exhibition; girls eat the chess pieces.
Christmas Carolers, most detailed and biggest sculpture out of Chocolate I've ever seen, how amazing is that? Merry Christmas
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