søndag den 26. februar 2012

Brother from another mother

I have this friend - as if you care - who has known me for a lifetime, and we still have a strong, strong bond together. Anywaaaays, she and a friend made up this blog which always make's me in such a blog mood, so her is a quick one, since I just came from their side; http://www.migoghende.dk/ Sorry guys, it's in Danish...
The friend of mine showed me this - I cannot recall If I already posted it, which make me smile. It gives us examples of the smallest things in life that happens to us on a daily basis - it opens your eyes and gives my point about life out clear and simple -Try to live in the moment, and apreciate the smallest things that makes you happy ;http://justlittlethings.net/

A small thing that made me happy today was discovering this song on my host-brothers computer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aaiCvxVMBI - It's been a long time since I heard her last, I had one specific song I was listening to constanly but now I figured a whole knew Album - I do Like her more than I thought!

This weekend I finally did not have a schedule down to the minutes, I got a lot of rest - needed - and got closer to my host family! I have tonight watched the Oscars Live for the first time in my life - and been doing homework in last minute - so me!

''God, if I can't have what I want, let me want what I have''

mandag den 23. januar 2012


I don't have a lot of time, in fact, I should be in bed . .

I do wan't to share a link I love though - Sometimes I just can't stay away from the blog no matter how much time there is, so here we go

''If you have a great attitude you get a great result'' - My awesome Photography teacher

Enjoy - Life is given to live it

tirsdag den 17. januar 2012

The purpose of the blog

So now I got my 12 blog postings in for school.. I started out with a completely silly theme, I know. But since I really like to blog, just for fun I will keep going on, not with an update every other day, but whenever I feel for it. I will not keep up with the theme, I will just blog whatever is on my mind. Also My blogging will be continued to prevent / keep up with my english skills - Oh - yeah, I'm an exchangestudent - Denmark is what I call home- who is settled in Colorado for this year - I thought it was kind of cool to get to blog through a class in school but I made it hard for myself with the theme, silly, nonsense and not interesting at all.
Yes I am a truly chocoholic but from now on, this blog will not only contain the sweet chocolate part of me - but also the rest of me . . . 

A friend sent me this awesome link earlier today and I've been listening to it since, enjoy

I hate the question; ''So, what Kind of music do you listen to?''

I love Beyoncé, but do not see myself as a pop-stereotype - always
I do like artists such as Tracy Chapman, Bob Marley(in some cases) Coldplay, Abba, Philip Glass(thanks to my Composition teacher, Mr. Schneider for introducing me) One Republic and Agnes Obel- Honestly, it's whatever mood I'm in

If you get a chance, take it, if it changes your life, let it